Media Archives 2007-2018

Miscellaneous Articles & Interviews

Romper. “7 Facts About Middle Children That Prove They’re The Royals Of The Family” by Steph Montgomery (April 24, 2018)

Boston Globe. “Police take notice of mannequin hanging from tree outside Sudbury home” by Travis Anderson (October 10, 2017)

#ConversationsLIVE. Dr. Laurie Zelinger and Illustrator Ann Israeli stop by (September, 2017)

Insider “‘Middle child syndrome’ isn’t exactly real — but that doesn’t mean parents shouldn’t take it seriously” by Emily DiNuzzo (August, 2017). “How To Talk About The Ariana Grande Concert Attack With Young Girls & Boys” by Jon Hecht (May 23, 2017)

MomZette. “How This Divisive Election Season Affects Our Kids” by Deirdre Reilly (2016, Oct 21)

Nassau Herald. “Educating kids about terrorism using ‘P-E-A-R-L-S’” by Diana Colapietro (2016, Sept 7)

MomZette. ‘Please Explain Terrorism to Me’ offers kids wisdom, reassurance, conversation by Deirdre Reilly (2016, Sept 6) “What to do When Your Kid is a Follower” by Maricar Santos (July 28, 2016).

MomZette. “Why Parents (Still) Support Spanking” by Deirdre Reilly. (2016, January)

Parent & Child Magazine. “Keeping It Real” An interview about children and media devices.

HealthZette, Health. Explained. “Obese Americans on Thin Ice” by Dierdre Reilly (October, 2015).

Chicago Tribune. “Easing a Child’s Fears in a Scary World: 6 things a parent can do” by Danielle Braff (2015, October 13).

MomZette, Parenting Explained. “Anxious Kids Don’t Make the Grade” by Dierdre Reilly (2015, September). “How Pretend Play Makes Children Smarter (and what you can do to encourage it)” by Melanie G. (August 14, 2015).

Self Esteem Shop. “Meet the Author” interview. “Meet Laurie Zelinger” (2015, August 1). “8 Games to Play with Kids” by Rebecca Desfosse (2015, May). . “Is There a ‘Right’ Way to Spank a Child?” by Ericka Souter (2015, April 8). “5 Unique Car Games for Girls” by Sabine Schmidt (2015, April).

Newsday  “Dealing with first-day anxiety over taking the bus to school” by Beth Whitehouse. (2016, August 31)

Newsday. “Tips to Help Transition to a New School Year” by Beth Whitehouse in Newsday
(2015, July 2).

Yahoo Parenting. “The Serious Problem Involving Kids and Rejection” by Sasha Brown-Worsham (2014, December 23).

Play Therapy Magazine, Volume 9, Issue 4 (2014, December). “Utilizing Short-term Play Therapy Interventions to Develop Social Skills in SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS” Pages 13-16

Newsday Kids. “baaack to school” by Beth Whitehouse, pages B8-9 (2014, August 20).

Pediatric Safety. “Putting an End to Battles with Your Kids” by Cynthia Hanson (2014, February 5).

Psychology Today. “Going to School with Misophonia” by Wendy Aron (2013, September 9).

Newsday. parental guidance “When to stop letting kids win at games” by Beth Whitehouse, page B12 (2013, July 17).

Teaching “Understanding Your Unique Role: Child Psychology for Teachers” by Jessica Merritt (2013, May 14).

Everyday Health. “What the (bleep)! 10 things parents should not say around children” by Beth Gilbert (2013, April 5).

“Grin and Share It” a humor column developed and written for each edition of the quarterly newsletter of the New York Association for Play Therapy; NYAPT News (Feb. 2008 thru 2013).

Essence Magazine. “Get Lifted: How to identify Your Child’s Talents” by Lakeia Brown (2013, January 21).

Special Needs Book Review – Interview with Dr. Laurie Zelinger: Advice on Anxiety in Children (2012, October).

American Profile. “How to Involve Children in Everyday Errands” by Samantha Johnson (2012, July 25).

Newsday Kids. “June bugged. It’s a busy month, parents: Here are some ways to cope” by Beth Whitehouse, pages B8-B9 (2012, June 6).

CBS News Money Watch “Making ‘Bring your child to work day’ meaningful” by Amy Levin-Epstein (2012, April 25). “Are You Going Overboard with Gifts?” Maria Ricapito (2012, Feb).

Parents Magazine. “Teach Your Child to Love a Sport” by Cynthia Hanson (2012, April). “How to Tame Kids’ Wish List Expectations” Mark Bradshaw (December 19, 2011).

Parents Magazine Q&A column in the ‘As They Grow’ series by Sharlene Johnson. (December, 2011 issue). “Money Fix: trimming your holiday budget”. Christine Giordano (November 22, 2011).

The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register Ohio Valley “Exploring the middle-schoolers’ experience” by Connie Myer. (November 18, 2011) School Bells column on the Life pages.

The National (newspaper of Abu Dhabi). “How celebrity babies fare in the US” Sonya Bell (November 8, 2011).

Parents Magazine on line “Smooth Move: Make Moving Easier on You and Your Kids” Caroline Schaefer (October or November, 2011).

The Sound Research, Inc. Rachel Martin. Panel interview about the importance of play (September, 2011).

Red Book Magazine interview with Nicole Yorio about setting up routines upon return to school. (September, 2011 issue).

Scholastic Parents “Keeping It Real”. (September, 2011).

Redbook Magazine Interview “4 Things that Help Motivate Your Child (And 2 That Don’t) Christina Arnold (August 25, 2011).

Mens Health Magazine – interview (August 16, 2011) with Kasey Panetta about celebrating the holidays without gifts.

Red Book Magazine interview with Christina Arnold on for two back to school articles about study habits and parental pressure. (August 4, 2011). and/or – interview with Beth Gilbert for two articles: “How to Let Your Kids Fail-the Right Way” and “Things Parents Should Never Say Around Kids”. August, 2011.

Disney website interview with Jacqueline Tourville about parents dealing with Type I Diabetes in ‘People in the Know’ section. (August, 2011).

Radio: 1010 WINS New York interview with intern, Samantha George, about how parents should respond to questions from their children about violent acts by strangers upon children (July 15, 2011).

Newsday parental guidance “Help your kindergartener adjust to the school bus” by Beth Whitehouse (June 14, 2011) pp.B10

Red Book magazine website: Video interviews with children for a series with the message to parents: Things We Wish You Knew. (August, 2011). “Top 5 Tips for Dealing with Bullying in Your Family” Melissa Roja Lawlor (August 25, 2011). Three page interview with my husband.

Care.Com interview with Melissa Roja Lawlor in Back-to-School series, “Q&A With the Experts” for an article about transitioning back to school and reducing parent and child anxiety. August, 2011.

Parents Magazine “Under the Influence? Help Your Kids Resist Peer Pressure” by Rachel Aydt (May, 2011 issue) p. 195.

Newsday, parental guidance. “Don’t Get Worked Up if a Boy’s Toenails are Pink” by Beth Whitehouse (April 18, 2011) p. B10.

Newsday parental guidance. “Push-up Bikini for Kids is Wrong on Many Levels” by Beth Whitehouse (March 30, 2011) p. B11.

Podcast interview: “Book Bites for Kids” with Suzanne Lieurance (January 17, 2011).

“Expert Advice on Writing Parenting and Self-Help Books for Kids”, a podcast interview with Dr. Laurie Zelinger, December 19, 2010.

Please Explain Anxiety to Me, a podcast interview with Dr. Laurie Zelinger and Jordan Zelinger, on Inside Scoop Live.

Preparing Your Child for Surgery, a podcast interview with Dr. Laurie Zelinger, on Inside Scoop Live.

AOL Wallet Pop: “Managing Kids’ Expectations in a Season of Gifts and Gimmes”. Bonnie McCarthy (December 12, 2010).

USA Today “16, Pregnant and Famous: MTV Series, and Their Stars’ Celeb status, Run Risk of Glamorizing Teen Motherhood” (November 23, 2010), cover page and Section D.

The London Times (England) “Pretty in pink: the princess boy; Dyson, 5, wears dresses every day. His parents tell Tim Teeman why they decided to tell the world.” (Nov. 15, 2010) : 41.

KOMO Radio, Seattle (affiliate of ABC). MP3 Interview with radio host Ken Schram about the scariness of Halloween for children. October 19, 2010.

Parents Magazine Q/A column by Sharlene Johnson about young children and fear of Halloween costumes (October 2010, Page 211).

Parents Magazine article “Sports Sense” by Cynthia Hanson about developing sports passion in 7-8 year- old- children (September 2010, Page 257).

Parents Magazine article “Sports Sense” by Cynthia Hanson about developing sports passion in 7-8 year- old- children (September 2010, Page 257).

Podcast Interview with my son, Jordan, for Readers Views (August 23, 2010).

American Baby Magazine article by Ellen Parlapiano in the Behavior column, about baby’s first haircut (August, 2010, Page 60). article by John Sutter: “Kids Experiment with ‘Video Playdates” (June 11, 2010).

On-line article: “Adapting Video Conferencing Technology to the Youngest Generation” (June 11, 2010).

SCOPE’s Education Forum: The Voice of Long Island Education. “A Word About Selective Mutism” Spring, 2010, Vol. 18, No. 4 pages 2, 9.

Scholastic Magazine interview with Howard Stock (March 24, 2010) about multi-tasking kids and helping them to better manage their time. interview with Emily Shetler on December 23, 2009 about clothing choices for Shiloh, daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

The Play Pen, “Halloween. Its More Important than You Think.” Red Sparks. October 6, 2009.

Emigrate Magazine “I’m not going!” by Hannah Lindon, October, 2009 pp. 24-27.

SCOPE’s Education Forum: The Voice of Long Island Education: Social Skills Are Not Just ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ (October, 2009) Vol. 18, No. 1. article by Teri Cettina, “Get Your Kid to Open Up: 6 Strategies for Talking to Your Child.” (July 15, 2009).

CNN Radio Interview with Shelby Erdman, Atlanta Radio Anchor Editor for CNN and affiliates, about mother/child social skills research study (May 16, 2009).

CNN “Mothers’ talk is key to kids’ social skills, study says” (May 15, 2009).

Newsday. “How to help a big little boy who’s bullies’ target.” By Red Sparks (April 23, 2009).

Podcast Interview with Suzanne Lieurance for Book Bites for Kids (February 19, 2009).

Radio Interview of Dr. Zelinger by Inside Scoop Live Video with Juanita/Irene Watson. February 10, 2009. Derby City Bride – “Practice Keeps flower girl, ring bearers on track.” (Nov. 2, 2008).

Newsday. “NYers: Chinese Official’s Decision ‘Ugly.’” (August 12, 2008).

Newsday. “Parental guidance: Daughter’s acting like a ‘mean girl’.” (June 22, 2008). “Practice, pep talks keep young children in ceremony” (June 15, 2008).

Associated Press “Flower Girl Meltdown-how to avoid it” (June 5, 2008) reprinted in dozens of papers “The Art of Apology” (May 2008).

Newsday. “Explaining Hate Crimes to Children” (March 2008). “How Playing Dress-up Shapes Your Child” (February, 2008).

iParenting [On-line serial], “Difficulty Bonding: When You Don’t Fall Instantly in Love with Your Newborn.” (January 19, 2008).

Bend Bulletin. “Not so Sweet Talk from Kids” (2008). “How Lori Drew became America’s most reviled mother” By Ian Munro (December 1, 2007).

Resources for Moms: “The Effect of Divorce on Children” by Elaine Stillerman. (September, 2007.

The Journal News “Children and Manners” (Nov-Dec 2007).

Good News Tucson. “Are Your Children Safe at School?” (September, 2007).

Newsday. “Personal Rituals.” (August 20, 2007).

Woman’s World. “What The Type of Tree You Draw Reveals About Your Personality.” (2007).

The Spotter (a webzine) An article about ADHD. (2007).

The Press of Atlantic City “Gossip in School.” (2007).

Focus On Your Child: Discovery Years, A Focus on the Family. Article about how shielding children from disappointment may impact the development of resiliency skills (2007).

This series of on-line articles appeared in in 2007 and describe what parents can expect at each grade level:

According to the School Psychologist: Kindergarten: [On-line serial] (2007).

According to the School Psychologist: Grade 1: [On-line. serial]. (2007).

According to the School Psychologist: Grade 2: [On-line serial]. (2007).

According to the School Psychologist: Grade 3: [On-line serial] (2007).

According to the School Psychologist: Grade 4: [On-line serial]. (2007).

According to the School Psychologist: Grade 5: [On-line serial]. (2007).

According to the School Psychologist: Middle School: [On-line serial]. (2007).

eHow online article by Somer K. Walker “Dressing Up Ideas for Kids”.

Miscellaneous Online Serials

The Sydney Morning Herald. [Online serial] “Frail Egos Caught in Killer Net” (December 1, 2007).

Scholastic Parents [On-line serial] “Scare Away the Special-Occasion Sugar High” (October 15, 2007).

Newsday’s Long Island Parents and Children [On-line serial] “I Don’t Want to Study!” (October, 2007).

Newsday’s Parents and Children Long Island. “How to help them without losing your mind.” (October 2, 2007).

MSN Lifestyle. [Online serial] “Handling Halloween Hysteria.” (2007).

Press of Atlantic City [Online serial] “Sand, sun…security? At the beach, we tend to let our guard down.

Miscellaneous Book Reviews

Dr. Zelinger’s book review for the cover of Dr. Albert Garoli’s book, Evolutionary Glitch: Rise Above the Root of Your Problems (2010). Reviews about Dr. Zelinger’s book

Blogger Review of Dr. Zelinger’s book


The Princess Boy and Sexual Orientation by Vincent Sobotka. July 30, 2011.

End the Kid Wars for Good! by Cynthia Hanson (July, 2011)

Ray, D. (2011) Advanced Play Therapy: Essential Conditions, Knowledge, and Skills for Child Practice. Developed the written test (47 multiple choice questions) for readers to obtain Association for Play Therapy Continuing Education credits. The Drs. Zelinger also wrote a (requested) book review for the publisher. Routledge Press. ISBN 10: 041588604X and ISBN 13: 9780415886048.

Zelinger, L. (2011) The O My in TonsillectOMY and AdenoidectOMY: How to prepare your child for surgery. (2nd ed.). Loving Healing Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, ISBN-13: 978-1-61599-053-5.

Kats, J. (2011 ) Cinderella’s Magical Wheelchair-An Empowering Fairy Tale. Loving Healing Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. I wrote an endorsement for the back cover. ISBN 978-1-61599-112-9.

Laird, C. (2010). Not Just Spirited, Loving Healing Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. I contributed to editorial development for a mother’s memoir book about raising a child with sensory integration difficulties.

Dr. Zelinger wrote a chapter entitled, “Understanding and Generalizing Communication Patterns in Children with Selective Mutism,” (pages 359-377) in a book of collective works published by Wiley Sons Inc., School Based Play Therapy, Second Edition, Edited by Athena A. Drewes and Charles E. Schaefer, 2010.

Raymer, D. (2009) a smart girl’s guide to staying home alone: a girl’s guide to feeling safe and having fun (Chobanian, Watkins, Anton, Zelinger, editorial development), American Girl Publishing, LLC.


The Sound Research, Inc. Rachel Martin. Expert panelist on topic of humor. Live interview filmed March 2, 2012.

National Writing for Children Center Author/Illustrator January, 2011 Showcase Virtual Blog Tours

Day One: Meet the Author/Child Psychologist Dr. Laurie Zelinger
Day Two: The Writer’s Life with Dr. Laurie Zelinger
Day Three: Tradebook Tips for Teachers from Author/School Psychologist Dr. Laurie Zelinger
Day Four: Writing Tips from Children’s Writer, Dr. Laurie Zelinger
Day Five: On the Go with Author/Psychologist Dr. Laurie Zelinger
Day Six: wrap up

CHADD – presentation with husband Fred Zelinger. Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders of Nassau County parenting workshop; “The Path to Success: What Your AD/HD Child Needs From You”, November 15, 2010.

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